Author Archives: tristatolles
Sacred Necklace for the Warrior of the Heart
This dress, eventually called Psyche, the Warrioress of the Heart, started as a response to having to face life as a sensitive. I envisioned a kind of protective crystal cocoon for myHeart, which seemed to be too readily impacted by intended or unintended meanness in the world. I decided to make a necklace that would be simultaneously protective and radiant and I chose Swarovski crystals as a medium because of their history of being cut to the highest specifications for the utmost brilliance. I knew the power of radiance.
My initial drawing was hurriedly sketched out and I was on my way. Many months passed in between work sessions. The months stretched into years and I was not making headway on it at all. Then I had the realization that the energy of this necklace was such that I could only work on it at Mt. Shasta, where I knew that the vibrational atmosphere would support the work. So for several summers I took the project to a cabin in Squaw Valley in the area and the seeming resistance disappeared.
Warrior of the Heart Goddess Dress
This dress represents, for me, the newest iteration of the archetype of Psyche, the integrated woman having the heart of the feminine and the fierceness of the masculine in the service of humanity and the planet, healing and fighting against the forces of evil all over the planet. This new archetype is needed now that the Age of Aquarius is upon us. Essentially, we have 3 years to transform all the negativity in the world into love. It will take inspiration to do this and I feel this piece which combines the energy of the angels with that of the warrior will contribute to the inspiration for the Divine Feminine to guide this process with energy and focus, but backed up by the feeling function which always creates clarity as to what needs to change to bring us back into balance as a planetary citizenry. We will need form, focus, discernment and discrimination. We will also need love, that which heals all. Honor and integrity will also increase in order to balance the forces that are impacting us.
Dragonfly mandala
This mandala was done as I become intrigued with the idea of creating a piece of art based on the shape of the ellipsis. My son Eli helped me with the engineer’s expertise of how to draw an ellipsis. It is a difficult image to create and he had the perfect solution using a string and pencil. Fun to make after learning how to do it… The energy of this drawing is very dynamic and the bottom part represents water falling into consecutive pools.
Streaming Mandala
This Mandala came to me during a return trip to the Eco-Retreat in Huelo, Maui in May of 2011. One year prior I had started my journey of drawing Mandalas from purely process-orientation and had not been able to really concentrate on them in a fulfilling way. Using only colored pencils, paper, a ruler and a compass, I was pleased to have time to really sink into a process of undistracted drawing. Since there was no plan for this mandala, I felt I was continually getting out of the way of how it wanted to come together. Prior to working on this, some body work set the stage for my continuing understanding of how we, as human beings, are connected to the energy streaming of nature in a powerful, but often forgotten way. My work in Bioenergetics, Reichian work and Somatic Process has served my well in understanding the powers that are latent in the body. This mandala is dedicated to Stanley Keleman founder of Formative Psychology for helping me, for 30 years, to remember the Source of everything is the body and its vitality as well as its changing shapes. For a print of this mandala, please go to the Offerings menu.
Infinite Compassion
This mandala arrived quite spontaneously on a retreat to Maui to process the loss of my sister, Nancy. The retreat location supported my goals in turning inward to gain more awareness of the meaning of our relationship. This descent was a powerful one and during my retreat there I met a woman, Isabela, with whom I discussed the necessity of expanding one’s heart to contain the pain and sorrow of loss – any kind of loss. This expansion often transforms pain into compassion and takes an incredible amount of patience and self-compassion to sustain. It becomes a practice if one has the devotion and commitment to the process.
We agreed that the capacity to take this path can provide a paradigm for healing – self, society and planet. We dedicated ourselves to this process at a sacred heiau on Maui and vowed to follow this path. My sister Nancy practiced unconditional love for most of her interesting life and was a true model of maintaining this stance through very challenging life situations. I showed this mandala to Lama Gyaltsen at the Maui Dharma Center and he asked me to name it, dedicate and show it to as many people as I could as a vehicle for healing. The mandala is dedicated to my sister Nancy.
Mt. Shasta Mandala
This mandala was the second one I did on Maui. It was to honor the Sacred Mountain that I have such a connection with. I had been making a necklace that was inspired by a conversation I had with an angel I met at Castle Lake in the Shasta area. The necklace was inspired by my understanding that the radiance of the heart needed to be protected in healers who often have open hearts in a culture that does not “see” this. I started to make a breastplate out of one thousand crystal beads, planning to include the shape of a pink heart fashioned by pink crystals in the center of it. This necklace is represented in this mandala by the inner circle of white dots. The snakes encircling the inner circle symbolize transformation and the red feather represents the passionate commitment of the activated heart.
The whole mandala is set on a background of cosmic stars and the central star represents radiance and light, the most healing energy of the cosmos and a key element in our current healing crisis. The necklace can be seen in the near future on our sacred jewelry section of this website. The mandala is dedicated to the Angel whose name I do not know.
The Butterfly Mandala
After creating primarily geometric shapes in the mandalas I was doing, I began to feel the need for more organic, living symbols. Having worked with animal medicine for years, I decided to start with the butterfly, an ancient symbol of transformation as well as transmutation. Changing shapes is a powerful and important skill in the shamanic world and the butterfly can be an important reminder of this capacity in all of us.
In creating this mandala, the butterfly started to take shape and led to a wonderful process of spontaneously developing the shapes surrounding her. The wave shapes in the Circle were hand drawn and represent light waves in motion interspersed with jewels of light. Later, the diamond shapes presented themselves and lastly the Circle and the Star of David. This mandala was dedicated to my friend Isabela whose friendship inspired this artistic opening for me.
The Dragonfly Mandala
After completing the Butterfly mandala, it was a natural progression to do a piece inspired by the delicate dragonfly. The dragonfly represents the refined energy of heightened perception and sensitivity to the full spectrum of light represented by the rainbow. Intuition and psychic abilities are also associated with this precious insect. This mandala features the lotus petals as well as the subtle radiance of the sun. The delicate colors, the lace-like detail and the extensive use of white make this mandala an expression of the highest realms of the Divine Feminine experience. After returning from my trip to Maui, I dedicated this mandala to my friend, Ellen who also possesses the heightened sensitivities of the dragonfly.
The sea spoke to me today
Large deep mirror sparkling in the sun
It was quieter than I know it, almost silent
Quiet, strong and blue.
The sea spoke to me today
Do not resist your experiences
Go the way of the sea-plants
Surrender to the wave
It will move you. You will be moved.
The sea spoke to me today
It pulled me down, close to it
It whispered silently, almost indistinctly
Sit quietly and you will know my depths
In you.
The sea spoke to me today
Do not fear me
I am here forever
For you have my depths in you
For you.
Carmella Weintraub
May, 1999
Revelation-A Poem
It has to do with light and fire
Light from heaven beams down to earth
The comet, its piercing presence
took my brother away from me.
That same comet pierced my heart
Struck it open for all to see
Inside, the beauty, unbeknownst to me
but hinted about for years.
I know that beauty now
For it has come from inside to out
It shines with the grace of the one who sent it
Now my brother, the fire and I am one.
Carmella Weintraub, 1998
Dedicated to John William Thomas (1943-1997)
This mandala was done as I become intrigued with the idea of creating a piece of art based on the shape of the ellipsis. My son Eli helped me with the engineer’s expertise of how to draw an ellipsis. It is a difficult image to create and he had the perfect solution using a string and pencil. Fun to make after learning how to do it… The energy of this drawing is very dynamic and the bottom part represents water falling into consecutive pools.
Bright Vision
The bright, clear-eyed dream
Came early and was then laid to rest
The garden, the cloth and the clothes
All conspired to be synchronous music
But the years had to pass, too many of course
Before the flower took root.
It was a flaming gladiolus at first
Then it died down to a vine, obligingly dull.
Underground springs feed gloriously and silently
Memories nurture young and restless longings
We cannot know the work of the gods
As well as we know our own pain
Suffering brought it back
That beautiful flaming spear, the gladiolus
Now I know the power of the unseen and the unsaid
I know the strength of the young eye.
Carmella Weintraub, 1998